Thursday, May 28, 2020

Travian Wall Building Costs


The Wall building improves the defense rating of soldiers stationed in the walled city by a percentage of their combined defense. Though each tribe has a different name for the same structure, they perform similarly.

    For the Gauls the wall is called Palisade.
    For the Romans the wall is called City Wall.
    For the Teutons the wall is called Earth Wall.

Gaul: Palisade

Compared with other walls, the Palisade provides better defense than a Teuton wall but less defense than a Roman wall. It is of medium difficulty to destroy.

Travian Palisade Building Costs 

Defense Bonus
1 160 100 80 60 0 1 3%
2 205 130 100 75 0 1 5%
3 260 165 130 100 0 2 8%
4 335 210 170 125 0 2 10%
5 430 270 215 160 0 2 13%
6 550 345 275 205 1 3 16%
7 705 440 350 265 1 4 19%
8 900 565 450 340 1 4 22%
9 1155 720 575 430 1 5 25%
10 1475 920 740 555 1 6 28%
11 1890 1180 945 710 1 7 31%
12 2420 1510 1210 905 1 9 34%
13 3095 1935 1545 1160 1 11 38%
14 3960 2475 1980 1485 1 13 41%
15 5070 3170 2535 1900 1 15 45%
16 6490 4055 3245 2435 2 18 48%
17 8310 5190 4155 3635 2 22 52%
18 10635 6645 5315 3990 2 27 56%
19 13610 8505 6805 5105 2 32 60%
20 17420 10890 8710 6535 2 38 64%
Total 79075 49420 39530 29655 20 38 -

Rams Required To Destroy Palisade

The rams listed have to survive the battle.
Wall Level Rams Required
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 6
5 8
6 11
7 15
8 19
9 23
10 28
11 34
12 40
13 46
14 53
15 61
16 69
17 77
18 86
19 96
20 106

Roman: City Wall

A City Wall protects the villages of Romans. The defense of your troops increases with the level of the wall.
Compared with other walls, the City Wall provides the most defense but is also the easiest to destroy.

Travian City Wall Building Costs

Defense Bonus
1 70 90 170 70 0 1 3%
2 90 115 220 90 0 1 6%
3 115 145 280 115 0 2 9%
4 145 190 355 145 0 2 13%
5 190 240 455 190 0 2 16%
6 240 310 585 240 1 3 19%
7 310 395 750 310 1 4 23%
8 395 505 955 395 1 4 27%
9 505 650 1225 505 1 5 30%
10 645 830 1570 645 1 6 34%
11 825 1065 2005 825 1 7 38%
12 1060 1360 2570 1060 1 9 43%
13 1355 1740 3290 1355 1 11 47%
14 1735 2230 4210 1735 1 13 51%
15 2220 2850 5390 2220 1 15 56%
16 2840 3650 6895 2840 2 18 60%
17 3635 4675 8825 3635 2 22 65%
18 4650 5980 11300 4650 2 27 70%
19 5955 7655 14460 5955 2 32 75%
20 7620 9800 18510 7620 2 38 81%
Total 34600 44475 84020 34600 20 38 -

Rams Required To Destroy City Wall

Wall level Rams Required
1 1
2 2
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 8
7 8
8 10
9 12
10 14
11 17
12 20
13 23
14 27
15 31
16 35
17 39
18 43
19 48
20 53

Teuton: Earth Wall

An Earth Wall protects the villages of Teutons.
Compared with other walls, the Earth Wall provides little defense but is also the hardest to destroy.
The Earth Wall is the only structure to not use one type of resource, iron, at all for its construction.

Travian Earth Wall Building Cost

Defense Bonus
1 120 200 0 80 0 1 2%
2 155 255 0 100 0 1 4%
3 195 330 0 130 0 2 6%
4 250 420 0 170 0 2 8%
5 320 535 0 215 0 2 10%
6 410 685 0 275 1 3 13%
7 530 880 0 350 1 4 15%
8 675 1125 0 450 1 4 17%
9 865 1440 0 575 1 5 20%
10 1105 1845 0 740 1 6 22%
11 1415 2360 0 945 1 7 24%
12 1815 3020 0 1210 1 9 27%
13 2320 3870 0 1545 1 11 29%
14 2970 4950 0 1980 1 13 32%
15 3805 6340 0 2535 1 15 35%
16 4870 8115 0 3245 2 18 37%
17 6230 10385 0 4155 2 22 40%
18 7975 13290 0 5315 2 27 43%
19 10210 17015 0 6805 2 32 46%
20 13065 21780 0 8710 2 38 49%
Total 59300 98840 0 39530 20 38 -

Rams Required To Destroy Earth Wall

Wall Level Rams Required
1 1
2 4
3 8
4 13
5 19
6 27
7 36
8 46
9 57
10 69
11 83
12 98
13 114
14 132
15 151
16 171
17 192
18 214
19 238
20 263

Complete Ram Table Edit

This table lists the number of rams necessary to completely destroy a wall of a given type and level, given that all Rams survive the attack and the rams do not have any Blacksmith upgrades.

Wall Level Rams Need To Destroy:
Earth Wall Palisade City Wall
1 1 1 1
2 4 2 2
3 8 4 2
4 13 6 3
5 19 8 4
6 27 11 6
7 36 15 8
8 46 19 10
9 57 23 12
10 69 28 14
11 83 34 17
12 98 40 20
13 114 46 23
14 132 53 27
15 151 61 31
16 171 69 35
17 192 77 39
18 214 86 43
19 238 96 48
20 263 106 53

Travian Wall Building Costs, Travian Palisade Building Costs, Travian City Wall Building Costs, Travian Earth Wall Building Cost, Teuton Wall Cost, Roman Wall Cost, Gaul Wall Cost, Gaul Palisade, Roman City Wall, Teuton Earth Wall, Rams Required To Destroy City Wall, Rams Required To Destroy Roman Wall, Rams Required To Destroy Palisade, Rams Required To Destroy Gaul Wall, Rams Required To Destroy Earth Wall, Rams Required To Destroy Teuton Wall,

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